04 January 2006


I could have sworn I was going to die tonight. There is no excuse for speeding ridiculously, especially the kind that is "twice the speed limit" speeding. O_O Not only am I never, ever going to get in a vehicle with that kid driving, but I have told my sister to never get in the car with him until he stops driving like a fucking maniac. (Well, I said "idiot" but still... ) I even fear for myself driving if he's going to be on the road. So he "didn't want to be late getting home". Well, he should have left earlier to get there. Is that a concept that's terribly difficult to grasp? Is it? There is no excuse for driving 60+ mph when the speed limit is 35 mph and driving 80+ mph when the speed limit is 40 mph. I'm seriously considering getting his license plate number and finding a patrol officer to tip him off that the kid is driving like a maniac and is a danger not only to himself but to everyone else on the road.


Blogger Lee Rudnicki said...

Try not to die, Wacky Dead Sara.

We already thought you were dead once.

Blogger The Mastermind said...

Well, I'm trying... it's just a question of whether or not it will be successful.


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