17 August 2005

I don't know how to describe it... seeing him last Friday did something to me that's so much of a good thing in so many ways but it's so confusing at the same time... and I have no idea how to handle it because these are things I have not felt in so long that I had to set aside for my own protection and seeing him again brought it all out.
The strangest things happen when you start thinking about people.

15 August 2005

It's going to be almost another year before I see him again, I think. Unless we find some time in which to see each other between now and next tour. I'm just... I don't know, worried, I guess? That it'll end up the only time we ever see each other is at championships... Not that I have issues with writing letters or whatever, I like writing them and he likes getting them (so he told me Friday night) and it is a way to keep up with one another... But I like being able to see my friends.

There's a lot going through my head right now... I'm, like, stupidly excited/happy over getting a pair of sticks to practise my drumming... and not just because that means I can actually practise.

And so on Friday afternoon I went over to the Cavaliers' rehearsal facility (this is when I received said sticks), got there about the time they were breaking for lunch... so I had an hour in which to talk with him, catch up on things, all that stuff... And we were talking about various things, me wanting to age-out in Phantom's tenor line if that's possible, and he had a spare pair of sticks which he gave me so I can practise.

Then on Friday night after the show, I went out to where the busses were parked mostly with intent to find the girl in Bluecoats who I went to high school with (and maybe find some Phantom kids to meet and see the aforememtioned Cavalier for the inevitable good-bye) and about the time I finally got over there they were telling them to "get on the bus!" so that didn't quite work out. Moving on. So instead of having just a minute or so to talk to each person/group I wanted to see I had a few more minutes now.

So I visited with him more. Just a few words, as they were loading the equipment truck, and then a somewhat extended good-bye.

... I didn't want to let him go.