03 March 2005

Yes, I have a tattoo. I'll get a picture of it tomorrow. Maybe. Definitely after it's healed, at least. There, it's out.

So, okay. I've never had a crush on anyone before. Well, not really. I've had, like, intellectual crushes on people but that's WAY different. But I do now. =/ It's a little weird. I mean, I don't have a crush on Bo, per se. It's a very different feeling than that. I'd be perfectly happy if we were simply best friends, or some equivalent of that. Even though I don't do the best friend thing for various reasons. But I'm starting to digress a little. I would actually really rather be best friends with Bo than anything else.

Because the person I want to spend the rest of my life in a "romantic" relationship with is not the person who completes me... The person who I want to be able to go to at any time for any reason and know that I'll have someone who will listen and offer advice if it's needed is the person who completes me. That's a little strange, I guess, but I don't have normal relationships with people. Ever. I can't recall one "normal" friendship I've had. Most of the people who I'd say are my friends are people I have never fought with over anything. We've disagreed about things but that's been all it was, a disagreement. The people who I'm pretty close to who I've fought with I call my friendly-acquaintances. They're pretty close to the same as friends but not quite the same.

And I'm digressing again. I'm trying to talk about crushes, not friendship. Though I suppose the two are fairly close together.

So... No, I don't have a crush on Bo. I might say I love him, if I had any feeling to associate with the word "love". The way I feel for him is an unconditional, affectionate feeling... somewhat like how I felt for the last person who I considered to be my best friend. It is different, mostly because I haven't felt like this in at least 6 years. It's not a familiar feeling anymore.

I kinda have a crush on someone else though. He doesn't act like I don't know anything when I talk to him... We have stuff in common that we can talk about easily... I don't know, it's just a general thing... It's not very realistic, or whatever the word should be, though. He doesn't live anywhere near me.

It's a little weird. I'm not very sure... what to do, I think.

Hmm... Chels, maybe next time I'm out there we should talk about this. You seem to be able to help me work some of these things out reasonably well. =)


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