02 February 2005

I'm stressed.

Yeah. That's right. Me. Stressed. Is that really too new?

I don't know what I'm going to do for corps this summer. I, as I said before, don't really want to go back to Blue Stars because I don't want to play soprano/trumpet this season. I want to play mellophone. I mean, who cares that the weight of a mello is oddly balanced, or that it weighs more than a trumpet, or that the parts are harder? It's COOL, man. And after playing mello for a while... I like it better than I think I have ever liked trumpet.

At this point, if I can march mellophone somewhere and pretty much *have* a spot, I'll be good. I can't do the whole "Well, come up for the weekend and we'll see how you do" thing. I'll lose ANY chance I have if I do that. Unless I go to Trinity, which -- as Taylor put it -- would "throw babies at [me if I] went down there". And they're in Seguin. That's not so unreasonable as compared to flying to OH, MN, CA, etc.

So, essentially, I need to know for at least 85% sure that I will be able to come home with a contract from wherever I go. It's stressful.

I mean, if I had known at the first Crossmen camp that I would be cut, I'd have a greater chance to make it somewhere and less a chance of losing any chance I have at marching this summer.

They say stress is good for you, but is this much stress good for you?

And I'd like to march in a Top 12 corps, if I can, because we already bought finals tickets, and we got the expensive seats so as to not be in the endzone. But I doubt I could make it into a top 12 corps at this point. Crossmen was a chance, but they basically told me, thanks, not worth it, sorry.

I'm just worried about it all. My mum thinks that Blue Stars could make it into finals this year as a div. I corps but I don't think so. The top 12... pretty much are the same 12 corps, rather consistently... So it seems at least. And going from div. III to div. II is not really that big a jump, I mean, they were div. II in 2000, I think it was? Maybe '01? Div. II to div. I is more of a jump, I think. And it seems highly unlikely that they could make it to a top 12 corps in their first year as div. I in...

If anyone knows of a corps that is still looking for people on mellophone, let me know. Division I preferred, mostly because of the whole ticket thing that we've done for div. I finals. Also somewhere that I could conceivably make it without too much trouble/bargaining/soul-selling. (I have to do that last one to pay for tour wherever I go, and I can't sell my soul more than once.)


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